Adashino Nenbutsu-ji Temple (化野念仏寺)

Adashino Nenbutsu-ji Temple is a Pure Land Sect Buddhist temple located in Sagano, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City. Along with Adashino and Toribeno, it was one of the places in which sky burials had been conducted since the construction of Heian-kyo City.

Origin and history

Adashino Nenbutsu-ji Temple originated in the year 811 when Kukai established Gochizan Nyorai-ji Temple and buried the human remains that had been left out in the open. Honen opened a Nenbutsu seminary and the temple became a Nenbutsu temple. The principal image is a statue of Amida Nyorai (created by Tankei according to temple legend but the actual creator is unclear) and the main hall was reconstructed by Jakudo in 1712 during the Edo period. The approximately 8,000 stone Buddha statues and stone pagodas within the temple precinct were originally placed as tombstones to mark the numerous unattended graves throughout Adashino and were collected at the temple in 1903. The temple precinct also contains a statue of Mizuko Jizo (a deity that helps to deliver miscarried and aborted fetuses to buddhahood), and the Jizo-sama temple fair is held in which a Mizuko Kuyo memorial service for stillborn and aborted fetuses is conducted.


Sento Kuyo (Thousand Lantern Festival): Held on August 23 and 24 during the Jizo-bon period.

Mizuko Kuyo (memorial service for stillborn and aborted fetuses): Held on the 24th of each month.


Take the Kyoto Bus for 'Kiyotaki' to 'Torii-moto' bus stop and walk for 5 minutes.

[Original Japanese]